(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
VjCD0100ChemDraw"Synthesis_Club_12.11.19_Quiz.cdx8uu7    :;E<J  BCD5 a  ~_9ffx# ()*+(, -.####2Arialx'3'3e('3dd'`  Chemical Formula: Exact Mass: Molecular Weight: m/z: Elemental Analysis: Boiling Point: Melting Point: Critical Temp: Critical Pres: Critical Vol: Gibbs Energy: Log P: MR: Henry's Law: Heat of Form: tPSA: CLogP: CMR: LogS: pKa:     #>8##+6&U{ +6BDR)7 6 7'6 cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7vw56 cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7C6 cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7BDR6 7        ?FXb6:bM; v F&ChemDraw can't interpret this label.  %`RhCl3 3 H2O, EtOH, refluxVR{R6 E   UU;UUBU "  !VO6&U{ E7 / 5  0 k1  {R 6R  ':{ IT:{ '7\LG;Cjxu @PLXdLG;Cjxu &ChemDraw can't interpret this label.  #/`BF3 Et2O, CH2Cl2, -50 C -> -5 CUUKUURU "  )CWDM#  2e)CWDM#  &ChemDraw can't interpret this label.  #/`BF3 Et2O, CH2Cl2, -50 C -> -5 C.U*6U "  zUUmA/?ь EnmA~n 9mnA 87onP :cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7qnww^ <cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7snl >cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7unCD{ @cThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7wn B7p ;mo r =oq t ?qs v Asu x Cuw W/VUUUmVU D   !WUUm./?ь D7 / 5  0 k1  VU/ VUUUm  .K! 4LK! .?{VUBR{ S|QVUBRTU G}(RVUB F7~(RP HcThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7(R""_ JcThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7(Rm LcThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7(R{ NcThis unlabeled atom is connected to two identical colinear bonds, and may appear to be invisible.7(RTU P7 I}~  K~  M  O  Q XR R   !XvهR{ R7 / 5  0 k1   R  *TY \ TY *v)$z[O &"" 7( 7*^ , & 0145f@."" & 0^ 78f2  7:> 7<""> >f2 EmuK +H7GwWGU[O# aOGf2 H7?f2 L"f2 M  NUuW.W.@<#aMeX, +H7FC$F!^# aOZmϹ 7\+` 7^m +H7Z < t!# aOe & #H7@ & OT & P  Q!C!Tn/#aMe2 &( 3 (* 4  *, 5  ,. 6  .0 7  0& @ ,8 A 8: B :< C <> D >. 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Ph3P+CH3Br-, tBuOK, benzene, reflux$22Bel &ChemDraw can't interpret this label. `2. 4 M HCl, THF, rt7 |wD@zw 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label  +ܝ FT*& &ChemDraw can't interpret this label.  %1`H2 (1 atm), 10% Pd/C, NEt3/MeOH 50:1(PvEv7+Z  8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label 80%(vv7+  8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label 13%V]{WT 3l &ChemDraw can't interpret this label. "`O2, salcomine, DMF, rtwDh8*X4J 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label @Highly Efficient Total Synthesis of the Marine Natural Products (+)-Avarone, (+)-Avarol, (-)-Neoavarone, (-)-Neoavarol and (+)-Aureol hhv_0vWkG 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label [J. Sakurai, T. Oguchi, K. Watanabe, H. Abe, S. Kanno, M. Ishikawa, and T. KatohTUS! bu + 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label (-)-neoavarol?eW6u3N/U &ChemDraw can't interpret this label. %`2. O2, salcomine, DMF, rtS!uySu7S$ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label (+)-avarol u1dUudvU  8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label (+)-aureolzhHqV}~ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label _ Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 829 837EV =ˌHޜ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label structure?eTU?L b + ^m 68Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label (-)-neoavaronef_}Puyu6u7j 78Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label (+)-avaroneSC&QA PM P'ZT h8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label %1Name of familiar compound? Synthesis?:VVc%KTPY n8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label i.YUU|UUt^U %   Zή q   [=#    \sQ ?   ]ov|oSU7    ^^UoS^Uo    _nʿnnz    `TUSTUS z   aTVUHVU    bQ*Q4y 4   ZpY V    ID ZID \O]9I W    L; \O]; Lq3CS X    ~ ~ tPA Y    IL) P IL)tO= [    S3  S3 3C/-s=~z( \    Mb@ /-sb@ M3C qx1Hl b@ ]    IDnA 1HnA IDqx Kuu!$ _    (Mj> uj> (MKu9$5~XɍI_ a    ?%v 5~v ?%9$-kOM}wRE5 b    7IY^ OM}^ 7IY-kC+p=u$5# c    9LhZ p=uhZ 9LC+-kOOz d    }] }] -kM5z e    3nA nA 3M 3k g    & & 3'3C1=ƅ z    Tb@ 1b@ T3C cd ) i e i   $ fg   hi   jk  ? l ?  mn    op oz  qr V  st `{ !Y.t^U>| %7 / 5  0 k1  |UU t^UUU  4